General Terms of Use of the Web Site

ARTICLE 1 :Purpose

These "General Terms of Use" aim at the legal framework of how the website services are made available to the public: (hereinafter referred to as the "Website") and their use by the "User".


The General Terms of Use are to be accepted by any User wishing to access the services offered on the website.


They constitute the contract between the Website and the User. Access to the Website by the User means acceptance of these terms and conditions of use.


• In case of non-acceptance of theseGeneral Terms of Use stipulated in this Contract, the User renounces de factoto access the services offered by the Website.


• COLORADO reserves the right to modify unilaterally and at any time the content of these General Terms of Use.

ARTICLE 2: Legal Notice

Contact Details:

Head Office: Route MlyThami Km 15 commune rurale Oulad Azouz Dar Bouaâza.
Phone: +212 (0) 522.35.23.35

Capital: 161 176 110 DH

RoT: 28509 


ARTICLE 3 : Definitions

The purpose of this Article is to define the various essential terms of the contract:
• User: this term refers to any person who uses the Website or any of the services offered by the Website;
• User Content: refers to the data transmitted by the User within the Website.
• Website: this term is used to designate the Website of the COLORADO company, namely: 
ARTICLE 4: Services Access 
The Website is accessible free of charge to any User with Internet access.
All costs incurred by the User to access the service (hardware, software, Internet connection, etc.) are at his expense.
The Website implements all the means at its disposal to ensure quality access to its services. The obligation being of means, the site does not undertake to reach this result.
Any force majeure event resulting in a malfunction of the network or the server does not hold the COLORADO Company liable.
Access to the Website services may be subject to interruption, suspension, modification without notice for maintenance or any other reason at any time. The User undertakes not to claim any compensation following the interruption, the suspension or the modification of this Agreement.
The User has the possibility to contact the Webmaster by email at the address [].
Article 5: Acceptance of the Risks of the Internet
The User declares to be familiar with the Internet, its characteristics and its limitations and, in particular, recognizes:
- That the Internet is an open network that can not be controlled by COLORADO and that the exchange of data circulating on it is not totally reliable, and is not protected in particular against the risk of diversions or possible piracy;
- That the communication, by the User, of sensitive information shall therefore be at his own risk and peril;
COLORADO can not guarantee that the information exchanged will not be intercepted by third parties, nor the confidentiality of the exchanges.
ARTICLE 6: Intellectual Property
The general structure of the Website, as well as the texts, graphics, images, sounds and videos composing it, are the exclusive property of COLORADO. Any representation and/or reproduction and/or partial or total exploitation of the contents and services thereof, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written consent of COLORADO is/are strictly prohibited and could constitute an infringement of the Code on the Intellectual Property and more particularly to the royalties related thereto.
The User is not allowed to make any reproduction, publication or copy of the various contents, except the downloadable elements made available to him free of charge by the Website, such as catalogs, financial reports...
The User agrees to use the contents of the Website in a strictly private setting.
ARTICLE 7: Personal Data
The Website guarantees the User a collection and treatment of personal information in respect of privacy in accordance with Law 09-08.
The User has a right of access to rectify personal data concerning him as well as a right to oppose their processing. This processing was the subject of a statement by COLORADO to the CNDP under reference D-W-247/2014.
The User may exercise this right at any time by sending an email to the address to rectify, complete, clarify, update or delete the information concerning them that is inaccurate, incomplete or outdated.
ARTICLE 8: Liability
The information and/or documents appearing on the site and/or accessible through this site come from sources that are considered reliable. However, this information and/or these documents may contain technical inaccuracies and typographical errors.
The information and/or documents available on this Website are subject to change and updates at any time. In particular, they may have be updated between the time of their download and the moment when the User reads them.
ARTICLE 9: Agreement Evolution 
The Website reserves the right at any time to modify the clauses stipulated in this Agreement.
ARTICLE 10: Duration
The duration of this Agreement is indefinite. The Agreement starts to be effective, with respect to the User, as from the use of the service.
ARTICLE 11: Applicable Law
Both this Website and the General Terms of its Use are governed by Moroccan law, regardless of the place of use. In the event of any dispute, and after the failure to find an amicable solution, the Moroccan Courts shall be the only ones competent to settle this dispute. The attribution of competence will be that of the place of the Head Office of COLORADO.